15 August 2023

Cannes for couples “The secret nuggets of a romantic city”.

Cannes, the pearl of the Côte d’Azur, offers an idyllic setting for lovers in search of a romantic getaway. Beyond its famous Croisette and glamorous ambience, the city abounds in hidden treasures and romantic spots that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Let us guide you through these new discoveries for an unforgettable romantic date in Cannes.


-Romantic picnic at Parc de la Croix-des-Gardes

Parc de la Croix-des-Gardes is a vast natural park offering a romantic escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Find a peaceful spot to set up your blanket and enjoy a delicious outdoor picnic surrounded by pines, cypresses and panoramic views of the Mediterranean. It’s the perfect place to relax, connect with nature and lose yourself in intimate conversation.

-Discover the Le Cannet district

Just outside Cannes lies the charming district of Le Cannet, known for its picturesque alleyways and bohemian atmosphere. Stroll the streets lined with colorful houses, explore the art galleries and stop off at one of the local restaurants for delicious cuisine. Le Cannet offers a uniquely romantic atmosphere, perfect for a getaway for two.

-A sensory experience at Villa Domergue

Villa Domergue is a magnificent estate set in the hills above Cannes. In addition to its impressive architecture, the villa offers sensory tours to awaken your senses. Take part in chocolate, perfume or wine tasting workshops, where you can explore and enjoy sensory pleasures with your partner in an enchanting setting.

-Mouré Rouge beach at sunset

If you want to enjoy the beauty of the beach in a more intimate way, head to Plage du Mouré Rouge at sunset. This tranquil beach offers a romantic atmosphere ideal for a leisurely stroll with your feet in the water, or for watching the sun set over the horizon. Bring a blanket and enjoy a romantic picnic as you contemplate the scenery.

-Romantic dinner in a Michelin-starred restaurant

Cannes is renowned for its gourmet restaurants, and a romantic dinner in one of the city’s Michelin-starred establishments is an absolute must. Let yourself be seduced by French haute cuisine and the culinary creations of renowned chefs. Enjoy an intimate, refined atmosphere while savoring exquisite dishes accompanied by fine wines.

Cannes se révèle être une destination de choix pour une escapade romantique inoubliable. Au-delà de son glamour et de sa célèbre Croisette, la ville regorge de lieux enchanteurs qui combleront les amoureux en quête de moments privilégiés. Le Parc de la Croix-des-Gardes offre un cadre naturel paisible pour un pique-nique romantique, tandis que le quartier Le Cannet vous transporte dans une ambiance bohème et colorée. La Villa Domergue vous invite à une expérience sensorielle unique, où vous pourrez explorer les plaisirs des sens ensemble. Pour une touche de romantisme au bord de la mer, la plage du Mouré Rouge offre un cadre idyllique au coucher du soleil. Et enfin, un dîner dans l’un des restaurants étoilés de la ville vous promet une expérience culinaire exquise dans une atmosphère intime et raffinée. Cannes, véritable perle de la Côte d’Azur, est prête à vous offrir des souvenirs mémorables lors d’une escapade romantique à deux.


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